


2024 Schedule

Date Location
Jan 20
Feb 17 Berryessa
Mar 23
New Melones
Apr 13/14
Clear Lake
May 18
Don Pedro
Jun 8/9
Jul 13
Delta (6 HR)
Aug 17
Pardee (6 HR)
Sep 21/22
Oct 12
Nov 16
New Melones

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Tournament Rules and Regulations Plus Miscellaneous Decisions

Revised January 2020

(Rules Document - Download Here)

I.   Tournament Schedule:

A.  The top five (5) club members, as of October 1, shall prepare a tournament schedule for the following year, the schedule shall be complete and available for club approval at the following November meeting. We will try to add a “new” lake each year, until all feasible ones are fished.  Returning to old lakes also acceptable as a “new” lake.

B.  Tournament dates shall try not to conflict with any California Federation (TBF) tournament held in Northern California.

C.  Tournament dates will be on the second weekend following the monthly meeting, whenever possible.

D.  There can be no more than six (6) two-day tournaments per year. A vote by "written" ballot will be done at each September meeting to determine the number of two (2) day tournaments to be considered by the upcoming "Top 5" committee.

E.  We will have ALL team tournaments.

F.  We may hold an annual “turkey shoot.” This may be used to “do things” with other bass clubs.


II.   Tournament Committee:

Tournament Director (“Weigh Master”) will select members to assist with weigh-in, at scales.  He is responsible for determining the following:

A.  Selection of tournament headquarters, at draw.

B.  Fishing hours of each tournament, at draw.

C.  Weigh-in station, at draw (i.e. on the dock, or in the parking lot).

D.  Verify presence of required safety equipment on each boat.

E.  Official weighing and measuring of fish.

F.  Judging suitability of fish for release.

G.  Resolving all disputes and tournament rule interpretation.

H.  Changing a tournament lake only for reasons of safety. Under these circumstances rule I.D. may be waived to have another (2nd) weekend with 2 one day tournaments.

I.  Official time keeping.

J. Record tournament results. And be sure tournament records are correct and up to date.

K. Tournament director will appoint an official "check-in boat for each tournament day.


III.   Sign-up:

A.  At the meeting prior to the tournament, participating members must indicate if they are a boater or non-boater by putting their name chip in the appropriate draw box, or if they are planning to fish with a guest.

B.  Any member who is not able to attend a meeting must call another member who is going to attend that meeting and inform him of his intentions to fish or not fish, and then be put in the draw.

C.  Members must be paid up to date to enter the draw.

D.  Each guest or prospective member shall pay their $15.00 monthly dues prior to the draw. Any guest or prospective member who hasn't attended the meeting, but has been put in the draw, must pay their monthly dues equivalent at the tournament site prior to blast-off.  If unpaid, no points can be earned.  Team will be disqualified.  It is the member's responsibility to be sure they are paid.

E.  The vice-president will pair participants by draw. Only members and prospective members are eligible for pairing.  No two members are allowed to fish two tournaments in a row together. This means: two tournaments next to each other on the schedule (i.e. Feb and Mar).  And we will try not to fish with the same person more than twice in a year.

F.  Order of draw determines starting position.  Draw priority will be as follows:

  1. Boat to non-boat present at meeting.
  2. Boat to non-boat pairing those remaining at meeting with those not present.
  3. Boat to boat.
  4. Boats with guests.

G.  If there are not enough boats for all non-boat members in the draw, then the number of members fishing with guests will forfeit their right to fish with a guest and be placed into the draw. If there are still members remaining without a partner, they can be added (by draw if needed) as a 3rd team member to boats capable of handling 3 on a boat. All team members on the boat receive the same number of points.

H.  Two paired boat owners, who both desire to use their boats, will be decided by a flip of a coin by the Vice President.

I.  Partners will make all arrangements to attend the tournament together and share operating costs of both boat and tow vehicle, even if not traveling together - exception if boater chooses to go early. Launching fee to be paid by non-boat partner.  Non-boater should contact his partner as soon as possible, or as arranged.  Boater to contact partner as soon as possible if partner not at draw.

J.  Any boat or non-boat partner who loses his partner between the time of the meeting and the tournament, should immediately call the person with the tournament book (tournament director) to make other arrangements.

K.  Fishing hours and launching site will be announced at the meeting prior to the tournament. The Tournament Committee may cancel the tournament prior to blast-off if the water is deemed unsafe.

L.  You should not leave a tournament until it is over (boater or non-boater). The "Draw" is your commitment to fish the tournament, whether WIND, RAIN, SNOW, HEAT or BAD FISHING. Also, be at the weigh-in to support club members.


IV.   Options:

A.  Big fish” - $5.00 per tournament. Paid to winner @ ramp by option coordinator.  No refunds.

B.  “$10.00” - 1st place winner - take all. Collected and paid at tournament, when willing coordinator available.

C.  “Raffle” (suspended until further notice) - $5.00 for 7 tickets (no single tickets). Money collected for raffle, over $75.00, will go into club treasury.  Up to $75.00 will be kept by raffle person, to cover cost of prizes during lean times.

D.  “Pot luck / BBQ” - @ two day tournaments, can be organized to aid camaraderie. Volunteers for this “recreation committee” can also evaluate camping, etc.

E.  “Clothing” - club paid art - work set - up fee. We can order jackets, shirts, hats, and towels.  President has ordering information.  Will announce ordering dates.  New members will be given a club hat (based on availability).


V.   Guests at Tournaments:

A.  A guest may be either a family member or a boyfriend or girlfriend of boat owner they are fishing with.

B.  A member who is inactive (left in good standing), can fish as a guest, up to two times per year.

C.  All guests are eligible for awards for that fish-out only. If guest has not paid entry prior to blast-off, no awards shall be given to the team (includes place points).

D.  Guests can only be “bumped” before 10:00 PM of the Wed. before the tournament.

E.  Non-boater losing boater – takes new boater’s number for blast-off (not the best one).

F.  If a boat owner loses his partner between meeting time and tournament time, and he can't get a partner by contacting tournament director (first), and other officers if needed, Rule V.(A.) may be waived for financial, and safety reasons. This “safety guest” does not count for weight or points.  His/her fish cannot be counted as team weight.


VI.   Tournament Conduct:

A.  Safe boating conduct and all safety precautions must be observed at all times by all contestants.

1.  All boats must have the following equipment. Boats missing equipment will be DQ'd

  1. "Throw cushion" - Coast Guard approved.
  2. Life Jackets – Coast Guard approved.
  3. Horn / whistle, or other Coast Guard approved sound device.
  4. Fire extinguisher, Coast Guard approved, working, not outdated.
  5. Working aerated live well.

2.  Everyone fishing the tournament wears a Coast Guard approved life vest whenever the combustible engine is running. Non-boaters should have their own life jackets.  No one allowed to participate in tournament without life jacket.  Both boater and non-boater will be disqualified if either is missing a life jacket.

3.  All boats with console or stick steering must be equipped with a kill switch.

4.  In an emergency or when safety dictates, one partner may take their catch, get in another boat and return to the weigh-in site.

B.  The following will not be tolerated during tournament hours and may result in disqualification by the Tournament Committee:

1. Any contestant who displays poor sportsmanship.

2.  Violation of any of the tournament rules.

3.  Violation of the California Fish and Wildlife laws, applicable lake rules, and county, state, or Coast Guard boating rules.

4.  Failure to show good sportsmanship and fair play to non-tournament fishermen, who may be on the water during the time of the tournament, as well as other tournament participants.

5.  Drinking intoxicating beverages or using mind/behavior altering drugs during tournament hours.

6.  Passing other boats which are under power of main combustion engine while in a “no wake” or 5 MPH zones, or which are proceeding at low speed toward an obvious fishing location (“cutting someone off”).

C.  All black bass (smallmouth or largemouth) under 13" in length must be promptly returned to the water. Fish are to be measured mouth open, on a flat board, hanging at a 45 degree angle.  May swish tail of fish when measuring. No competitor may measure his/her own fish.  Fish to be measured and weighed by weighmaster or person(s) designated.  Fish under 13" will be penalized.

D.  Dead fish will be penalized. No culling of dead fish.

E.  Tournament catch will consist of one or more fish.

F.  Each member is responsible to check in before the tournament at the ramp with a member. Late arrivals must check in with a member on the water or face disqualification.

G.  Only artificial lures can be used. Other than Pork rind strips, no prepared or live bait is permitted.

H.  Trolling is not permitted (using internal combustion engine to move lure).

I.  Fishing in a designated out-of-bounds area will result in disqualification.

J.  No Fishing is permitted within reasonable distance of another boat. A contestant cannot move in on a boat which is drift fishing or working an area with the electric motor, and claim that area.  No contestant shall fish another boat's buoy marker unless the other boat is out of casting distance of said buoy.

K.  All fishing is to be done by boat. All contestants must leave and return to the starting area by boat.  Boats cannot be towed from one fishing location to another during tournament hours.

L.  No more than one rod can be used at one time. No more than three lures can be used on one rod.

M.  No contestant may leave the starting location until his boat is signaled to leave. Boats are sent out one at a time in fifteen second intervals.  Leaving early may result in disqualification.  “Take - off” should be in 5 mph area to reduce wakes for safety.

N.  All boats must be back on time within the starting area and check-in with the “check-in” boat or face penalty.

O.  All fish are to be weighed in and released except trophy fish. Taking measurements for replica trophy encouraged!

P.  “Big Fish” for the year, to be determined by actual weight. No “Golden Rule” weights.  Must be paid before first tournament.

Q. “Turkey Shoots” - Regular tournament rules apply unless otherwise specified.


VII.   Penalties:

A.  Contestants violating Rule VI.C. (undersize fish) will be penalized 1 lb. per undersize fish.

B.  Contestants violating Rule VI.D. (dead fish) will be penalized ½ lb.(8oz.) per dead fish.

C.  Contestants violating Rule VI.O. (late for weigh-in) will be penalized 1 lb per minute, up to 10 minutes. After 10 minutes contestants are disqualified (DQ).


VIII.   Live Wells:

A.  All boats must be equipped with a working aerated live well.


IX.   Awards for Monthly Tournaments:

A.  Awards for the tournaments will be: First Place TEAM = engraved plate for award plaque (one for each contestant).

B.  Places are decided by heaviest catch. A catch will consist of one or more fish, but not to exceed five fish.  Ties will be decided by “big fish”.

C.  All penalties are subtracted from total weight.

D.  All fish weighed in by regular members only will be recorded for credit for year end awards. New members shall receive credit for their two tournaments fished as prospective members.

E.  Contestants are not permitted to retain any bass following a tournament, except any trophy bass, so claimed at the weigh-in. Measuring for artificial wall trophy encouraged.

F.  Show-up points:

  1.  Ten(10) show-up points awarded per tournament.
  2.  No more than nine (9) tournaments show-up points counted.  Max = 90.

G. The “Record Keeper” will read the tournament results at the end of each weigh-in.


X.   Tournament Schedule Selection

The top 5 anglers (determined by points) after the September tournament, will meet before the October tournament to select lakes for the following year.


XI.   Awards – Year End

A. The "Angler of the Year" trophy, “Non - Boater of the Year” trophy, second and third place trophies, will be based on total points earned while fishing the club tournament season.


  1. The top angler of the year will have his dues paid for the next year (no cash pay-out).
  2. First through third places will be award their entry fee or cash to any tournament in the upcoming year (not to exceed $50.00 - basic entry fee only), as treasury can bear.

C. The member who catches the biggest fish in a club tournament for the entire year shall receive a trophy and the total "BIG FISH ASSESSMENT" ($20.00 per member yearly).

D. A member must be active during the last month of the year, and paid up to date to retain his standings and be eligible for any year end award.

E. Standing ties broken by total weight for the year. Second year end tie breaker is total number of fish caught for the year.

F. Copies of the up to date standings will be available at each meeting.


XII.  Tournament Points/Standings/Records:

A.  Tournament points will be awarded for all regular members as follows:

1st 30 // 6th 15
2nd 27 // 7th 12
3rd 24 // 8th 9
4th 21 // 9th 6
5th 18 // 10th 3

B. Best nine (9) tournaments are counted for "Year to Date" standings.

C. Show-up points added (10 per tournament attended) to "Year to Date" totals (up to 9 tournaments). See IX.F.

D. One person appointed by President, shall keep and record in Tournament "Book".


XIII.  Miscellaneous:

A.  No personal or club information to be released without permission (determined by club vote - majority of members need to be present at vote).

B.  Video library (started with $350.00) is Vice President’s responsibility. Active members may borrow tape for one month at a time (no charge).  If not returned at next meeting, then there is a $5.00 late fee per tape, per month.

C.  Yearly Event Calendar:


Jan 1       New officers take over

Jan          Consider reservations for awards banquet

Sept        New officers selected.

Pay $60.00 FLW/TBF fees (includes insurance) - no fishing Jan unless paid.  Fees may be changed by FLW/TBF.  FLW and CBF fees due by end of month for returning members.

Vote for number of 2 day tournaments in coming year

Oct          Before Oct. meeting, "Top 5" tournament selection committee meets.  Tournament approval at meeting.

Dec          $20.00 Big fish for year - paid before first tournament - NO EXCEPTIONS