


2024 Schedule

Date Location
Jan 20
Feb 17 Berryessa
Mar 23
New Melones
Apr 13/14
Clear Lake
May 18
Don Pedro
Jun 8/9
Jul 13
Delta (6 HR)
Aug 17
Pardee (6 HR)
Sep 21/22
Oct 12
Nov 16
New Melones

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Constitution and By-Laws

(Revised January 2019)


ARTICLE I – Name and Purpose

A.  To stimulate public awareness of bass fishing as a major sport.

B.  To offer our State conservation department our organized moral and political support and encouragement.

C.  To promote full adherence to all conservation codes and to demand adequate water standards and legal enforcement of existing regulatory standards.

D.  To detect and report any polluter and call public and political attention to his crime.

E.  To improve our skill as bass anglers through a fellowship of friendly exchange or expert bass catching techniques and ideas, and to promote and encourage youth fishing, and a love for this great recreation.

F.  To function as a dynamic and effective link with other clubs embracing the principles and purposes of the TRI-VALLEY BASSMASTERS.


ARTICLE II – Membership

Section 1: Number of Members

The club shall begin with at least six (6) but not more than ten (10) charter members.  During the club's first six months of existence, total general membership shall not exceed thirty (30) members; after six months, membership shall not exceed forty (40) members.

Section 2: Type of Members

A.  REGULAR MEMBER: Full voting member after having met all the requirements for regular membership. (See Section 3)

B.  HONORARY/ LIFETIME MEMBER: Shall be granted by this club upon approval of the membership at large, after Board of Director's recommendation. (Full Voting Membership)

 Section 3: Requirements for Regular Membership

To become a club member, a person shall:

A.  Be 18 years of age and financially able to participate.

B.  Voluntarily expresses a genuine interest in membership.

C.  Be recommended by two members at a regular monthly meeting.

D.  Be voted on by membership. After discussion and participation in club fish-out, vote shall be by secret ballot and affirmation must be unanimous.

1. The prospective new member will participate in two consecutive club fish-outs. If a “boater,” must fish one as a “non-boater”, then one as a “boater.”

2. At the next meeting, the membership will discuss the prospective new member's bass fishing prowess and sportsmanship prior to voting.

3. Prospective new member to be excused during discussion and voting.

E.  Full membership shall then be awarded after meeting, by telephone.

Section 4: Membership Dues

A.  REGULAR MEMBER: $15.00/month or $ 150.00/year paid in full by Feb. meeting.


Section 5: Yearly Assessments

A.   Included in FLW/CBF fees of $60.00. Returning members – due by end of September.  New members to pay at time of admission to club (club sends to the Calif. Bass Federation).

B.   Big fish (year-end) = $20.00. New members to pay at time of admission to club.  Total paid to member with heaviest tournament fish of the year (by actual scale weight).


ARTICLE III – Officers, Elections, Vacancies, and Eligibility

Section 1: Officers and Their Duties

A.  PRESIDENT: Preside over all meetings and direct all official business. Appoint and direct all committee functions.  Supervise all club functions.

B.  VICE-PRESIDENT: Act as program chairman (coordinates guest speakers and/or demonstrations for club meetings), is the video librarian, assist the president in his duties and preside in the absence of the president.  Also acts as “Tournament Chairman.”

C.  SECRETARY: Maintain accurate minutes of all meetings.  Maintain regular liaison between this club and "The Bass Federation" national headquarters, FLW, and the California Bass Federation.  Makes available, for old and new members, a membership package.

D.  TREASURER: Maintain accurate financial records and report at each meeting.  Notify the President and "Board of Directors" of any member who is behind in his dues.

E.  TOURNAMENT CHAIRMAN (also known as Tournament Director or “Weigh Master”): see "Tournament Rules and Regulations" for duties (Merged with VP 1/2009).

F.  TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE see "Tournament Rules and Regulations" for duties (suspended due to size of club 1/2009).

G.   BOARD OF DIRECTORS: To act on and interpret any violation in the “Constitution and By-Laws.”

Section 2: Elections

The President will form an officer nominating committee annually in September, through volunteers and appointment.  The election of officers shall be held annually at a regular meeting during the month of October.  Election shall be by simple majority of members present.  Election for each officer shall be held separately in order listed in Article III, Section 1.

Section 3: Eligibility of Vote

Each charter or regular member is entitled to one vote.  Proxy votes are not permitted.

Section 4: Term of Office

The term of office is for one year, which shall begin on January 1 and end December 31 or until the successor assumes office.

Section 5: Vacancies

In the event of an office becoming vacant, nominations shall be asked and an election held to fill the unexpired term of the individual vacating the office.

Section 6: Eligibility for Holding Office

To be eligible for an office a member must:

A.  Be paid up in dues.

B.  Have been a member for six months (six-month requirement waived during first 12 months of club life).

C.  Have attended at least 3/4 of the club meetings and 3/4 of club functions.

D.  Have shown an active interest in all club functions.


ARTICLE IV – Method of Amending the Constitution and By-Laws

The Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting by a 2/3 vote of the members present, after notice of the proposed amendment has been presented to the membership at least one regular meeting prior to the vote.


ARTICLE V – Removal of Membership

After review and recommendation by the "Board of Directors," a member shall be dropped from the membership role for the following and no fees or dues refunded:

A.  Failure to pay dues for two (2) months.

B.  Any action, which would reflect, dishonor and disgrace on this-club.

C.  Failure to attended 50% of the club meetings and 50% of club functions during a 12-month period unless excused by the "Board of Directors.”

D.  Flagrant or repeated violations of any of the rules or regulations of this club after "Board of Directors" review.


ARTICLE VI – Affiliation

The club must maintain 100% F.L.W., and The Bass Federation (T.B.F.), both state and national).  A membership roster will be sent to T.B.F. National Federation every twelve (12) months.  This roster must include names, F.L.W. membership numbers and expiration dates, and complete addresses of club members.  Also, the phone numbers of the Pres. and Sec.


ARTICLE VII – Inactive Membership

Section 1: Voluntary Inactive Members

Any member in good standing, who notifies an officer of his intention to become inactive, shall become inactive as of the meeting date following such notification.  Voluntary inactive members shall have no dues or participation responsibility and will not be allowed to fish any club tournaments or participate in club functions until such member requests reactivation.

Section 2: Involuntary Inactive Members

Any member two months in arrears with dues will be placed on inactive membership status on the meeting date following the three-month arrearage, and member will be notified in writing by treasurer, unless the member satisfies all outstanding obligations on or before that date.

Section 3: Reactivation of Inactive Members

A.  Reactivation of "voluntary inactive member" is subject to the availability of a membership opening at the time of requested reactivation.

B.   "Involuntary inactive member" is not eligible for re-entry into the club until:

 1. Voted back in by members present at the meeting, unanimously.

2.  Three (3) month arrearage is paid in full.

3.  If reactivated within the same year, not eligible for year-end awards unless: ALL DUES for missed months (calendar year) are paid in full.